Since you're here, we assume that you're considering contacting a New Jersey car accident lawyer about a potential claim. If that's true, there are a few things you should know about our firm:

  • We offer free, no obligation case reviews. If you think you have a car accident claim, you have nothing to lose by speaking to us about your case, and much to gain.

  • We work on a contingency fee basis. If you retain us to handle your claim, you pay us nothing out of pocket.

  • Time is of the essence. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for car accidents is 2 years.

Let's talk about your case  

Not ready to talk to one of our attorneys? No problem. We invite you to keep reading to gain a better understanding of what it means to have a car accident claim in New Jersey.

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New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers

Motor vehicle accidents remain one of the leading causes of serious injuries in New Jersey. According to the New Jersey Department of Transportation, there were over 275,000 traffic collisions reported in the state in 2019 alone. Many of these crashes resulted in severe, even life-altering injuries.

Here are other frightening statistics about car crashes in New Jersey:

  • In 2018, 624 people were killed in traffic accidents on New Jersey roadways;
  • Distracted driving was the leading contributor to fatal accidents;
  • The Garden State Parkway had more fatal crashes than any other New Jersey road;
  • Speeding was the second most significant factor in fatal accidents;
  • Around one-quarter of all accident fatalities were caused by alcohol-impaired driving; and
  • Most traffic accident fatality victims were ages 25-35.

While these statistics are tragic, they inspire car manufacturers to improve safety features to potentially prevent motor vehicle deaths.

Safety experts hope that improvements in vehicle technology can save lives in the future. For instance, lane departure warnings and blind-spot alerts can prevent accidents. 

However, tomorrow’s safety improvements don’t help you recover from an accident that you have already experienced. To pay your bills while you recover and to compensate you for the pain and suffering you’ve endured, our personal injury attorneys can help you seek a legal settlement for your accident injury.

If you or your loved one was injured in a crash, you deserve access to the maximum available financial compensation. You need full support to cover your medical treatment and to provide for your family.

Unfortunately, many car accident victims struggle to get the compensation that they rightfully deserve.

At O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, we know how to hold negligent drivers and insurance companies accountable. Our NJ car accident lawyers have the skills and experience needed to protect your rights.

If you or your loved one was hurt in a car accident, we are here to help you every step of the way. Call Today

What to Do After an Auto Accident in New Jersey

Car accident injury claims are deeply complex. Too many auto accident victims make mistakes immediately following their wreck. As a result, it becomes more difficult for them to make a complete financial recovery.

If you were involved in a car accident in New Jersey, there are several steps you should be sure to take.

1. Report the Crash

Under New Jersey law, all auto accidents that result in injuries or in at least $500 of property damage must be reported to the police. Following a serious crash, request that a police officer be dispatched to the scene of the wreck.

2. Get Medical Help

If you were hurt in a car accident, it is imperative that you seek a professional medical evaluation. You need to protect your health and well-being.

In addition, you will not be able to pursue financial compensation without valid medical records. It’s best to seek medical attention soon after a car accident, both for your needed treatment and so that the insurance company doesn’t claim that you sustained your injuries later.

3. Collect Evidence

Successful car accident claims are based on evidence. Gather as much evidence at the accident scene as possible, including information from other drivers, the police report, photographs of the damage, and contact information for any witnesses.

If you need to seek medical attention immediately, ask a friend or family member to collect evidence and get witness information for you.

4. Consult a New Jersey Car Accident Lawyer

You should not go through the legal claims process alone. Insurance companies can try to intimidate you and offer you less money than you deserve. Consult a car accident attorney as soon after an accident as possible, so they can guide you in your interactions with the insurance companies.

Don’t feel pressured to speak to the insurance company before you talk to a lawyer. Take your time to collect your thoughts and recover from the shock of the accident before you give a statement.

If you or your loved one was seriously injured in a car accident, our New Jersey car accident injury lawyers are here to help. 

The Statute of Limitations: You Have Limited Time to Take Action

You have only a limited amount of time to file a car accident injury claim. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations is typically two years from the date of the crash.

If you fail to initiate your legal claim before the statute of limitations expires, then you may lose out on your right to recover compensation at all.

Do not let this happen to you. Get help from a New Jersey car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your wreck.

However, there are some exceptions to the two-year statute of limitations for car accident claims in New Jersey. For example, if the injury was not discovered until a later date, the statute of limitations may be extended. Additionally, if the at-fault driver is a government employee or agency, you may need to file a notice of claim within 90 days of the accident in order to preserve your right to sue.

Why Should You Hire a New Jersey Car Accident Lawyer?

After an accident, the thought of defending yourself without the help of a legal specialist might be appealing. However, there are a variety of laws you must be made aware of that could make or break your case. This is why it's important to at least consult with an attorney prior to making a decision. Here are some additional reasons as to why you should hire a lawyer following an auto-accident:

  • When you feel stressed and shaken after a car accident, an insurer may try to take advantage of you. The insurance company will likely call you for a statement before you’ve even had time to collect your thoughts. Instead of speaking to the insurance company immediately, you should call our New Jersey auto accident lawyer.
  • Our attorney can help you think through your recollections of the accident so you’ll be prepared for insurer questions. After you give a statement to the insurance company, we can take over negotiations. 
  • Car accidents lawyers know New Jersey law, and they understand the confusing terms on insurance company policies. This gives an attorney an advantage in negotiating with the insurance company.
  • Though an insurance company might be able to intimidate you into agreeing to a meager settlement, those tactics don’t work on us. We deal with insurance companies routinely, and they don’t intimidate us. 
  • We’ll fight the insurance company for your maximum compensation while you focus on recovering from your accident injuries. Hiring a lawyer saves you stress, offloads lots of paperwork to our legal support team, and will likely earn you much more compensation. If you would like to learn more about working with an attorney on your car accident claim, call us for a free consultation.

What Car Insurance Policies Are Available in New Jersey?

Every driver in New Jersey is legally required to carry some form of auto insurance. This insurance is designed to protect you and other drivers in an accident. It assures others on the roadway that if you get into an accident, insurance will pay for at least some of the damages.

Drivers also carry insurance that pays for their own damages in an accident. There are several types of auto insurance available in New Jersey.

Personal Injury Protection Coverage

Unlike the majority of U.S. states, New Jersey has no-fault auto insurance laws on the books. This could have major implications for your auto accident case.

In New Jersey, all motorists are required to have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. PIP coverage pays medical expenses for anyone injured in a car accident, no matter who was at fault.

If you suffered minor or moderate injuries in a car accident, your PIP coverage should pay for your medical costs. This is true regardless of who was to blame for the accident. Under New Jersey’s no-fault rules, PIP coverage handles most minor injuries.

Medical expenses paid by PIP are subject to your policy limitations. For many New Jersey auto insurance policies, PIP coverage ranges from $15,000 to $250,000. A personal injury attorney can help you figure out the PIP coverage limitations detailed in your policy.

Liability Insurance Policy

Along with PIP coverage, your insurance policy may cover harm caused to other drivers. An auto insurance policy might offer this coverage:

  • Bodily injury coverage from $15,000 per person or $30,000 per accident to $250,000 per person and $500,000 per accident; 
  • Property damage coverage from $5,000 to $100,000 per accident; and
  • Uninsured motorist coverage from $15,000 per person or $30,000 per accident to $250,000 per person and $500,000 per accident.

Your policy will also define your right to sue the other driver. You can choose a limited right to sue or an unlimited right to sue on your insurance policy. If you choose a limited right to sue, you cannot sue unless you suffered serious injuries in the auto accident. Serious injuries include loss of a body part, disfigurement, permanent injury, or death.

Serious Injuries: You Can File a Car Accident Lawsuit

If you suffered serious injuries in a car crash, you may be allowed to ‘step outside’ the no fault system. Negligent drivers and auto manufacturers can be held legally liable following a major accident. You may be eligible to bring a fault-based car accident injury claim in New Jersey if you sustained:

  • Significant disfigurement or scarring;
  • Dismemberment; or
  • Any other type of permanent injury.

To hold another driver or any other party legally liable for your injuries, you must be able to prove that the accident occurred because of their reckless or careless actions. 

Proving Negligence in a Car Accident Lawsuit

These are the elements of negligence you must prove to win a New Jersey car accident lawsuit:

  • The other drive had a duty of care to drive responsibly;
  • The other driver breached that duty by driving recklessly;
  • The driver’s breach caused you harm; and
  • Your harm is worth damages, or compensation.

If the defendant can disprove at least one of these elements, then you lose your case. Because the plaintiff has the burden of proof to show how the defendant caused harm, it is critical that you hire an experienced car accident attorney to win your case.

Your attorney can help you put together the evidence you need to bring a strong, winning legal claim. The sooner you get a lawyer by your side, the better.

Compensation Available to Auto Accident Victims

You deserve compensation for the full value of your damages. Unfortunately, even if you are making a claim against your own PIP coverage, recovering full compensation can be challenging.

Insurance companies often fight aggressively to settle car accident claims for the lowest amount possible. At O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, our New Jersey car accident attorneys have the skills and experience to help our clients maximize their recovery. Monetary relief may be available for:

  • Emergency medical care;
  • Other hospital and medical bills;
  • Physical therapy;
  • Lost wages;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress;
  • Permanent physical impairment; and
  • The wrongful death of a family member.

Call us for a free consultation, and we’ll sit down with you to determine what compensation might be available. We’ll look at available compensation from your insurance company and the other driver’s insurance.

Then we’ll negotiate with both insurance companies to try to get you the highest possible settlement.

Average Car Accident Payout in New Jersey

While it is difficult to pinpoint an average car accident payout, many minor accidents settle in the range of around $10,000 to $30,000.

More serious accidents that lead to permanent injuries, disfiguration, or death can settle for much more. If the other driver exhibited reckless behavior, such as driving under the influence or leaving the scene of the accident, the settlement might increase. 

Here are factors we consider when calculating a settlement request: 

  • Was the car accident victim killed?
  • Does the car accident victim have permanent injuries?
  • Is the car accident victim able to return to work?
  • What medical bills has the victim incurred?
  • What is the value of the victim’s lost wages?
  • What type of support did the car accident victim provide to their family?
  • What physical and emotional suffering has the victim endured?
  • Was the car accident victim partially at fault for the accident?
  • Did the driver exhibit reckless behavior?

While insurance companies may balk at a settlement request, they don’t want to go to trial. In fact, more than 90% of personal injury lawsuits are settled before trial. So we use this knowledge to our advantage and press insurance companies hard at the negotiating table. Our goal is to get you the highest settlement available.

Rear-End Collision Accidents

The most common form of collisions in the US is when one vehicle strikes another in the rear.  Driver inattention, following too closely or adverse road conditions are some causes of these types of collisions. A rear-end collision is most likely to occur during a traffic jam with stop-and-go traffic because there is less space for drivers to maneuver and a greater chance that drivers will be distracted.

Regardless of the cause, all drivers have the responsibility to maintain a safe following distance between their vehicle and the vehicle they are behind. This is probably the most widely violated safety rule in America.  The rule of thumb of one car length for every 10 mph speed is the recommended safe following distance.  Under these conditions, it is not surprising that if a driver’s attention is diverted for less than a second, brake lights ahead can be missed. Without a safe stopping distance, disaster can result. A bigger problem exists when the following vehicle is a truck or SUV. With the emergence of texting only adding another additional distraction to drivers to already accompany cell phones, radios, and bad-hair-days, it’s easier than ever to become distracted from the road, lose focus and forget to brake.


In the State of New Jersey, a driver who has struck the rear of another vehicle is always presumed to be at fault. When operating a motor vehicle, it is the responsibility of the driver to maintain control of their car at all times. And, as part of maintaining control, they must keep a safe stopping distance away from the vehicle in front of them. Neglecting to stop and rear-ending the car in front of you is indeed a failure to control one’s vehicle.


With all of the distractions inside of the car today, rear-end-collisions have become far too common. Nearly a third of all car accidents where someone was killed or injured in the United States involved a rear-end-collision.  Commercial vehicles with professional drivers actually were involved in a disproportionate number of rear-end accidents. It may be due to the driver’s extended hours on the road or the nature of the vehicles that they drive, but commercial vehicles accounted for 40% of all rear-end hits, despite making up only 7% of all cars on the road.

A commercial driver in such a situation would be represented through their company’s insurance and have the ability to make a workers’ compensation claim with their employer after the accident. A civilian driver who got hit, of course, would not be able to take such a course of action and would need to obtain representation from a personal injury attorney to file a claim through their auto-insurance. With an attorney who is skilled in rear-end-collision cases, they can seek compensation for their injuries and any medical care needed, as well as pursue punitive damages if necessary.


On impact, the car that is struck is forced forward, the person inside is thrust backward from the force and then propelled forward when their body comes in contact with the seat. If the impact is severe enough, the seat sometimes breaks because of that contact. If the seat does not break, it propels the person forward. If that person is wearing a seat belt, and the seat belt functions properly, the seat belt will hold and force the person backward again. This violent back, front and back again movement is what causes injuries to the back and neck areas. Even with a seat belt, the person’s knees, hands or chest may strike the dashboard or steering wheel. Studies have shown that there is little correlation between the speed of the impact and the extent of injuries sustained. There are a number of factors involved such as the person’s age, physical condition and prior medical condition.

Rear-end collisions can result in severe injuries, including:

  • Whiplash injuries: These can be extremely painful and can require many months of difficult recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Neck and back injuries:  These can often be caused by whiplash. It is not uncommon for the victim in a rear-end collision to suffer a herniated or ruptured disc.
  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones:  When the victim is thrown into hard surfaces on the interior of the car, he or she can suffer broken bones, fractures, and strains, particularly in the legs and arms.
  • Brain trauma:  Rear-end collisions can cause a traumatic blow to the victim’s head, leading to dangerous and scary closed head injuries.
  • Airbag injuries:  Although airbags typically reduce the risk of injury in a car crash, airbags can actually cause injuries because they deploy with explosive force.
  • Death

If you had been involved in a rear-end collision, call the police so a police report can be filed about the accident. It is also common for many to not feel anything abnormal following the collision, only to find that they have been injured subsequently as pain sets in over the days following the accident.

Contact our New Jersey auto accident lawyers today at the offices of O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble. Or simply contact us online or call 1-908-680-0973 or 1-800-586-5817 for a free no obligation consultation.

Why Choose OPLN as Your Legal Representation?

After a serious crash, insurance companies will waste no time in building a legal defense. Insurers know exactly how much is at stake in a personal injury case, and they are prepared to take aggressive action to protect their own bottom line.

You cannot rely on an insurance company, even your own insurer, for guidance with your car accident claim. If you or your loved one was injured in a wreck in New Jersey, you need an experienced attorney on your team.

At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, our New Jersey auto accident lawyers will handle all aspects of your personal injury case. Among other things, our law firm will:

  1. Conduct a free, comprehensive investigation of your traffic accident;
  2. Answer your questions and address your concerns;
  3. Evaluate your financial damages, considering medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages;
  4. Gather, organize, and prepare all relevant evidence including police reports, photographs, witness statements, and medical records;
  5. Build a strong, compelling car accident injury claim;
  6. Negotiate for a full settlement with the insurance company; and
  7. Get ready to take your case to court.

The overwhelming majority of auto accident injury claims filed in New Jersey reach settlement outside of the courtroom. Our legal team knows how to handle settlement negotiations to help our clients maximize their financial recovery.

Of course, some cases are resolved through litigation. Our trial-tested New Jersey car accident lawyers are ready to take your claim wherever it needs to go to get you justice and full financial compensation.

The insurance company didn’t want to admit fault but Scott was relentless.

My car was hit by a truck in an accident that shattered my ankle and wrist. I spent 13 days in a medical trauma unit, had several surgeries to put the bones back together, and extensive physical therapy. A local lawyer said that my case was too complicated for her so she recommended Scott Parsons at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane, & Noble. Scott recognized that I had a good case and proceeded with a suit against the insurance company. The insurance company didn’t want to admit fault but Scott was relentless.

- Patrick T.

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Discuss Your Case with Our New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers Today

Whether your motor vehicle accident occurred on a major highway or on a surface road, the injuries can be substantial. You need compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, our motor vehicle accident lawyers have medical knowledge and extensive expertise handling car accident cases. If you or a loved one was harmed in a car accident, talk to an experienced car accident lawyer at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble. Contact us online or call at 1-800-586-5817. Your case can contribute to our daily fight to ensure safe roads and responsible driving.

We also handle other types of vehicle accident cases, including:

You can’t travel back in time and prevent an accident from happening in the first place. However, with professional and thoughtful legal help, you can significantly minimize the consequences of your accident and ease the pain of your loved ones. Most importantly, you can help get the reckless drivers off our streets.

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Discuss Your Case with Our Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys Today

Whether your motor vehicle accident occurred on a major highway or on a surface road, the injuries can be substantial. You need compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble our motor vehicle accident lawyers have the medical knowledge and extensive expertise handling cases involving auto accident injuries. If you have been injured in an auto accident, talk to an experienced car accident lawyer at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble. Contact us online or call at 1-800-586-5817. Your case can contribute to a continuous struggle we fight every day to ensure safe roads and responsible driving.

You can’t travel back in time and prevent an accident from happening in the first place. However, with the professional and thoughtful legal help you can significantly minimize the consequences and ease the pain of your loved ones. Most importantly you can help getting the reckless drivers off our streets.