I am often asked, what is a prescription error? It is an error that either a doctor, nurse or pharmacy or hospital has made with respect to giving a patient a medication. This type of error is a type of Medical Malpractice Claim and unfortunately has become way too common in this day and age. ...
A lot of clients call the office thinking they have a case of what they call harassment, but sexual harassment is a particular type if harassment under the law. Sexual harassment involves just what the name sort of says, sexual conduct. It involves things like unwanted looks, advances, touching, conditioning a benefit of employment on sex or...
Employers in New Jersey are required to pay employees who work 40 or more hours in a week overtime pay which means time and a half and the only way you are exempt from overtime is if you fall into a very limited criteria of position in your job. If you are a professional, administrative...
The New Jersey Law against discrimination talks about the issue of damages in employment discrimination cases and people always ask me if I have an employment case if I’m harassed or I’m discriminated against what are my damages. And essentially the law says there are a couple of areas where you can recover as a discriminated against...
New Jersey has a law called CEPA, the Consciences Employee Protection Act which affords employees protection against illegal retaliation for what we commonly call “whistle blowing.” If you are an employee and you report what you believe to be an illegal action by your employer to your boss or another supervisory employee you are protected against adverse...
When looking for a Medical Malpractice Attorney, you should look for someone who has experience— someone who has done medical malpractice cases in the past. I started off my career representing doctors in hospitals doing medical malpractice defense work. However, I don’t do that any longer. I represent patients and their families in claims of medical...
There are different types of anesthesia cases but typically when people come to us with potential anesthesia cases it’s really dealing with general anesthesia related to a surgery. General anesthesia is when a patient is put out cold for a surgery and the anesthesiologist has the responsibility of providing the medications to the patient who is undergoing...
The legislature in New Jersey in the 1940s passed a law called “The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination” and it’s really a broad and sweeping law that protects individuals from all types of discrimination. And it’s a very unique statute in that it affords very, very broad protections that other states don’t afford their citizens...
Medical Malpractice Lab Errors The administrative mistakes may simply be that the specimen is not handled appropriately in terms of it getting to the appropriate person for analysis or the paperwork is not submitted appropriately so that the result never actually makes it back to the physician. In terms of specimens not being analyzed properly...
Nursing negligence is an aspect of medical malpractice, where a nurse fails to adhere to the appropriate standard of care and deviates or departs from that standard of care and is negligent, and that negligence, unfortunately, causes you harm. That would represent a nursing negligence case.