Learning that your child has cystic Fibrosis comes as a shock to most parents, especially if you or your partner do not know of a history within your family of the disease. It’s important to remember that you are not alone. Cystic Fibrosis affects close to 40,000 children and adults today and an estimated 105,000 people diagnosed with CF globally. If you believe a medical professional could have caught your child's diagnosis of CF sooner, you may have a case for medical malpractice against your child’s doctor. Read on to learn more about CF and how NJ cystic fibrosis lawyers can help you. 

What is Cystic Fibrosis and its Symptoms? 

Cystic Fibrosis is a congenital disability that typically affects the lungs, digestive system, and other organs in the body. This life-threatening condition is genetic, and both parents must carry the abnormal gene that gets passed on for a child to have CF. The main symptoms of CF are usually identifiable through respiratory infections and poor weight gain. However, there are symptoms to look for affecting certain parts of the body. 


CF causes mucus to build up in the lungs, making breathing difficult for a child. Persistent coughing with thick mucus and shortness of breath are common symptoms of CF affecting the lungs. Frequent lung infections, including pneumonia and bronchitis, are also symptomatic of a CF diagnosis. 

Digestive System 

Poor weight gain is the most common sign of a CF infection in the digestive system. CF affects the digestive system by building up mucus, which blocks the ability of digestive enzymes to pass from the pancreas to the small intestine. 

A child with CF may also suffer from other digestive issues, including severe constipation, which may result in intestinal blockages or rectal prolapse in newborns. A diabetes diagnosis may also occur due to CF blocking the transport of insulin. 

A cystic fibrosis diagnosis can only be done by a genetic test under the supervision of a medical professional. Cystic Fibrosis can sometimes be misdiagnosed for asthma or other respiratory affiliations without identifying that CF may be the cause. If you believe your doctor missed a CF diagnosis, contact an NJ cystic fibrosis attorney to learn more about whether you have a case for medical malpractice. 

Is There Treatment for CF? 

Cystic Fibrosis has no cure. However, treatments have developed that prolong the lives of those with CF and help them maintain a normal way of life. Common treatments include: 


Physical therapy and a high-frequency chest wall oscillation is a vest that vibrates the chest to loosen thin mucus in the lungs, helping people fight symptoms. The vest is usually used for thirty minutes daily to loosen up the mucus in the lungs. Medications may also be prescribed to improve lung health, which are usually inhaled. These medicines clear airways and thin mucus to make it easier for the person to breathe. When a person’s condition begins to deteriorate despite the use of these treatments, it may be advised to seek a lung transplant. 

Digestive System 

Pills can be prescribed to assist the body in absorbing the nutrients needed to aid the digestive issues caused by CF. Multivitamins may also help with nutrition deficiencies. A doctor also prescribes a treatment program for those who have diabetes brought on by CF.