Knowing about substandard quality of care is crucial in understanding medical malpractice cases.

The attorneys at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble have crucial knowledge and experience in this area of the law. Read on to learn more about substandard care and find out how it may affect your medical malpractice case. 

What is Substandard Care?

Substandard care is a concept that exists in many medical malpractice cases. Essentially, “substandard care” arises when a doctor or other medical professional fails to adhere to the appropriate standard of care when treating a patient. If the medical professional deviates from this standard of care or is negligent, resulting in a medical error, then their actions might constitute substandard care. 

In general, the standard of care for those who provide medical services is higher than a normal standard of care. This is because the job of a medical professional requires substantial expertise and preparation. Accordingly, medical professionals have a duty to carefully and professionally provide adequate care in treating patients. 

How is Substandard Quality of Care Related to My Medical Malpractice Case?

Understanding the concept of substandard care can help prove your medical malpractice case. In fact, to prove a medical malpractice case, it is crucial to prove that a medical professional failed to provide a proper standard of care. In other words, you must be able to show that they used substandard care. 

What Constitutes Substandard Care in Hospitals?

doctor providing substandard care

Again, a successful medical malpractice case requires proof that a medical professional used substandard care. In other words, you must be able to prove that they deviated from the appropriate standard of care in treating a patient. 

For this reason, it is extremely important to be able to recognize when substandard care exists. Below are some examples of instances that might constitute substandard care: 

  • Prescription errors. This could include prescribing medication to a patient who has a known allergy. It could also include over or under-prescribing medications, or prescribing the wrong medication entirely, that result in harm to the patient;
  • Misdiagnoses. A medical professional has a responsibility to properly diagnose their patients. Incorrect diagnosis, or failure to make a diagnosis at all where a condition exists, can be grounds for substandard care;
  • Surgery complications. Sometimes surgery is conducted where the procedure is unnecessary. Other times, a medical professional may leave surgical instruments inside the body. These and other surgery complications can cause serious harm to patients; and
  • Poor monitoring or failure to follow-up. A medical professional’s work may extend beyond a procedure itself. The duty to provide proficient care extends to the monitoring of a patient as well. Failure to follow up or monitor a patient’s progress may also constitute substandard care. 

All of the instances above might constitute substandard care, which could lead to a medical malpractice suit. Failure to properly administer the appropriate level of care can result in dire consequences. Accordingly, medical professionals are expected to know and understand how to properly and adequately treat their patients. 

How a Medical Malpractice Attorney Can Help

Navigating a medical malpractice lawsuit and understanding what constitutes substandard care can be difficult. However, having an experienced attorney with knowledge of the law can be a great asset to your case. 

Contact Us

If you or a loved one have been impacted by the substandard care of a medical professional, contact our team today for a free consultation to see how we can help. 

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