Now more than ever, you need an accomplished medical malpractice attorney on your side. Clearly, the doctors and nurses working on the front lines are helping many people and deserve recognition and thanks for their efforts.
Nevertheless, physicians, nurses, hospital, and other health care workers always remain obligated to provide a reasonable standard of care. Whether it’s before, during, or after this pandemic, healthcare workers may still make errors that can cause catastrophic harm to their patients.
We are not talking about patients being treated for the coronavirus. Rather, we are talking about patients who rely on their healthcare providers to address everyday medical issues.
Even before COVID-19, patients who have never been exposed to medical malpractice held doctors in high regard, which is understandable since their profession is geared towards helping people. When asked the first word that comes to mind when you hear the word “doctor,” many people might say “hero”.
How do you sue a hero?
Fortunately, we don’t often have to address this question. Today, however, we face a world we haven’t encountered before. The coronavirus pandemic is unique, and that uniqueness has given healthcare workers many opportunities to be heroes.
Heroics in the face of a seemingly insurmountable opponent might grant healthcare workers some immunity for any harm they may cause by their care. Most treatment, however, doesn’t occur under these once-in-a-lifetime circumstances. Most treatment occurs under normal conditions, and for regularly treated conditions, illnesses, or diseases.
No matter what the circumstances of treatment might be, patients have a right to assume that their healthcare providers will provide treatment that is consistent with the acceptable standards of care.
Contact Us Today
If you sustained harm due at the hands of a doctor, nurse, or another healthcare practitioner, you may have the legal right to pursue compensation. The New Jersey medical malpractice lawyers of O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble fight for the rights of victims who have been wrongly injured or killed by healthcare workers. We fight to get you justice and recover compensation for your losses.
To discuss your case, call 908-928-9200 or contact our office now to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with a New Jersey medical malpractice attorney.