New Jersey Anesthesia Accident Lawyers
In the United States, estimates suggest that thousands will suffer complications from anesthetic applied in surgery each year – whether it is local or general anesthesia. When a patient undergoes surgery, an anesthesiologist is responsible for ensuring the patient receives the correct type and dose of anesthesia for the procedure. Anesthesia may be administered locally, or as a general medication that affects the entire body. It can be given alone, or in combination with sedation. Even the simplest procedures can end in tragedy. Anesthesia complications can cause a patient’s death for something as routine as getting a tooth removed.
Physicians and nurses are trained to predict and prepare for any complications arising from anesthetic use. Complications can arise during surgery due to the technical errors of the anesthesiologist or can result from a doctor not monitoring the body’s response to the anesthetic. When anesthesia accidents occur in the operating room, they may be due to any of the following:
• Failure to provide patient with proper instructions prior to surgery
• Providing wrong dosage of anesthesia
• Lack of proper monitoring during surgery
• Administering anesthesia too soon or too late
• Mechanical failure of surgical equipment
When mistakes like these occur, a patient may be seriously injured by errors in the operating rooms. In worse case scenarios, patients may even die at the hands of an anesthesiologist who is not handing the procedure properly. Anesthesia accidents can result in the following injuries:
• Brain Damage
• Heart Attack and Stroke
• Nerve Injury
• Spinal Cord Injury and Paralysis
• Awareness of Surgery
• Organ Failure
• Wrongful Death
• Careless Intubation
If you or a loved have been medically injured or suffered wrongful death because a doctor or nurse did not exercise suitable caution when administering anesthesia, contact a lawyer at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble for a free no obligation consultation. You can simply contact us online or call (908) 928-9200 or 1-800-586-5817.