When you get a new job, you’ll likely receive a stack of forms and an employment agreement to read and fill out. You might also receive these documents after years of work. Reading these forms and agreements carefully is important because your signature can mean a waiver of fundamental rights. Among the provisions tucked away...
"What can I do if my employer cannot put me on light duty?" is a critical question for many workers recovering from injuries. Work injuries often impact your life beyond the pain of the injury itself. Beyond the necessary physical recovery, workers often find themselves off the job and under financial pressure. As you wait...
As one of the 3,363 private-sector employees in New Jersey, you have a right to a safe workplace free of discrimination and retaliation. At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, our employment lawyers help our clients enforce their rights after they experience an adverse employment action. The United States and New Jersey have laws protecting employees’...
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides financial support for employees that take time off from work to care for their own health or a family member. Certain employers must provide FMLA leave, and it is voluntary for others. Unfortunately, lawyers often hear from new clients, My FMLA was...
What to do if my employer denied my reasonable accommodation? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates that employers make reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. The Law Against Discrimination (LAD) also protects New Jersey employees. If your employer denies reasonable accommodations, you need to know your options. What Is a Disability? Under the ADA,...
Have you been a victim of discrimination in the workspace? A New Jersey employment lawyer at O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble is ready to help. Contact us today to set up a no-cost case assessment: (908) 373-5931 Everyone deserves to feel safe and protected from discrimination in the workplace.The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, NJLAD,...
You left your job because it became impossible to stay. Now what? Now it’s time to talk with a New Jersey employment law attorney about whether your employer violated your rights. If your previous employer broke the law and forced you to quit, you might have a constructive discharge claim. At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane &...
Sexual harassment is a civil claim that has risen to special prominence in the wake of the 2017 #MeToo movement. Although you can obtain substantial money damages from a sexual harassment claim, your claim will die if you wait until the statute of limitations expires to file a lawsuit. Every state applies its own statute...
Inappropriate touching in the workplace makes the workplace uncomfortable, distracting, and frightening. Your colleagues never possess the right to touch you without your consent. Inappropriate touching at work takes many forms, including groping, kissing, and hugging. All are wrong. This inappropriate behavior has no place at work. You have the right to feel safe and...
The American workplace should be the ultimate meritocracy. Therefore, performance should be the basis for job security, placement, and advancement. Sadly, that is not always the case. Quid pro quo sexual harassment in the workplace remains a pervasive problem in New Jersey. The culture of the American workplace tolerated quid pro quo sexual harassment, among...