Because of the nature of the injury and the circumstances under which these injuries usually occur, if a child has some form of brachial plexus injury from birth, that probably should be investigated, and that investigation would include obtaining the medical records, the child’s birth records or delivery records, and the mother’s records, and evaluating...

Erb’s Palsy refers to an injury to an arm where there is some type of nerve injury. A brachial plexus nerve that runs down the neck into the shoulder becomes injured as a result of a traumatic birth. The obstetrical complication is known as shoulder dystocia, which is when one of the shoulders becomes impacted in...

Part of the investigation process for a case involving an injury, Cerebral Palsy or birth injury or a brain injury, would be to look at the medical records, and specifically the fetal heart monitor strips. During labor, the mother will have this monitor strapped to her belly, and that monitor will record the fetal heart...