What is nursing negligence?
Whether it is in a hospital or an office setting, we probably spend as much or even more time under the care of nurses. And just like physicians, nurses must adhere to a reasonable standard of patient care. When that standard of care is not met and results in serious harm—either physical or psychological—to us or a loved one, nursing malpractice may have just entered the picture.
The duties and responsibilities placed on nurses can be overwhelming and it is the rare case where a nurse purposefully causes harm to a patient, however when you are the one on the receiving end of negligent care none of that matters. What matters most is that you or a loved one sought the expertise and guidance of a trusted medical professional—a licensed nurse—and some error on his or her part caused harm.
Reported cases of nursing negligence are on the rise and it’s critical to know what parameters constitute actual malpractice. In these cost-cutting times, nursing shortages are all too familiar and excessive workloads can contribute to the potential for errors in judgment or medication mix-ups. And as medical technology continues to increase in sophistication, the knowledge base and training required to keep pace opens the potential for harmful mistakes. Then there are circumstances under which a nurse may be negligent for failing to follow proper protocol or to follow through on clearly defined directives established by a physician or hospital.
The statutes of limitations on filing medical malpractice claims can vary widely from state to state, but at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, we are well versed on those particular regulations and exceptions. The important piece for you to remember is that you—as a patient or representative of a loved one—are entitled to a very specific standard of care by your nurse.
We urge you, however, to consult with us as soon as you suspect you have been subject to medical negligence. We don’t expect you to come to us knowing all the answers—that’s our job. We are continually educating ourselves and keeping up to date with the most current legal changes and news so that we may better serve your needs. Our malpractice attorneys have the experience, expertise and breadth of knowledge to pursue physician malpractice cases of merit.
At O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, we will work diligently on your behalf to provide you with excellent representation. Though damages awarded to the victim of a medical malpractice case vary by situation, rest assured that our attorneys will always strive to seek the maximum allowable. After a thorough review of your case, together, we will determine the most appropriate damages to seek. Compensatory damages include recovery of financial loss in the past as well as an estimate of future loss. Damages may also cover emotional issues such as reduced enjoyment of life due to a disability or loss. Pain and suffering covers the physical and mental distress suffered because of an injury, medical error or negligence.
O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble is one of the oldest and best-known medical malpractice law firms in New Jersey. Our medical malpractice lawyers are keenly aware that nursing negligence is on the rise and can help you to determine the foundations of your case. If you feel that you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, we invite you to speak to one of our excellent medical malpractice attorneys at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble.
Contact us online or call at 1-908-251-9368 or 1-800-586-5817