As patients, we rely on healthcare providers to use their knowledge and expertise in making a good-faith effort to assess and diagnose issues related to our well-being, thoroughly. Failing to properly examine and evaluate symptoms can lead to a brain tumor misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, the result of which can include serious injury, decreased quality...

According to the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) is rare and occurs only in 1 out of 250 pregnancies. However, that does not make the consequences any less devastating if it happens to you or someone you know. Cephalopelvic disproportion occurs when a baby’s head or body is too large to fit...

When you are facing something as invasive and scary as cancer, you are quite literally trusting your life and well-being to your doctor and medical care team. Suffering additional injuries due to a chemotherapy medication error can, therefore, be devastating both physically and emotionally. If you believe you or someone you love has been hurt...

Yes, medical malpractice can sometimes cause cerebral palsy. Sadly, a doctor’s negligence can sometimes be the cause of severe and irreparable harm. If you believe a doctor’s negligence during birth caused a loved one to develop cerebral palsy, you may have a cerebral palsy malpractice case.  Cerebral palsy is a disabling condition that affects a...

Did your doctor miss the signs and symptoms of marginal cord insertion while you were pregnant? If so, does your child have birth defects such as breathing difficulty, heart defects, or cerebral palsy? Or worse, was your child stillborn? If so, you may have a medical malpractice claim against your doctor.  Marginal cord insertion claims...

Signing a waiver beforehand is standard practice when you undergo a medical procedure. This waiver is a legal document that releases the medical facility or practitioner from any legal liability if something goes wrong during the procedure. By signing the waiver, you acknowledge that you understand the potential risks associated with the procedure and accept...

You deserve justice if you or a loved one has been harmed while receiving medical treatment in New Jersey. Fortunately, New Jersey has specific laws and regulations in place to protect patients who have been victimized by medical malpractice. However, collecting compensation for medical malpractice depends on proving causation. If you or someone you love...

If you have suffered a sudden injury or illness, you may think of a hospital emergency room as the safest possible place to go. In 2019, the most recent year for which there were statistics, nearly a quarter of all US adults, or 151 million people, had at least one emergency room visit. However, with...

In most cases, early diagnosis of medical issues and illnesses can save you from a lot of pain and suffering. To make matters worse, many injuries or medical conditions will worsen if a medical professional fails to diagnose you promptly and accurately. A delayed diagnosis can put your life at risk in some cases. Moreover,...

Decisions regarding medical treatment are a complex area of both medicine and law. Healthcare professionals and patients must weigh the risks and benefits of delaying treatment. However, although both parties have decision-making authority, the inherent disparity in medical knowledge requires medical professionals to evaluate the risks comprehensively. In some instances, a physician or other healthcare...