In cases involving government entities, the New Jersey tort claims act applies, making the process more complex than typical personal injury claims. In New Jersey, filing a personal injury claim is relatively easy if another person’s negligence leads to your injuries. However, if the party responsible for your injuries is a government agency, employee, or...

As New Jersey advances through the stages of reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees returning to work or experiencing an uptick in their job duties and hours may be faced with unique challenges and decisions.  For instance, what if an employee does not feel safe returning to work or simply cannot return due to...

Losing a loved one is a difficult and trying time in anyone’s life. If it is a sudden or unexpected death, the difficulty in dealing with such a loss in amplified. If you suspect medical malpractice or nursing home neglect, the situation can quickly become overwhelming.  The attorneys at O’Connor Parsons Lane & Noble are...

Now more than ever, you need an accomplished medical malpractice attorney on your side. Clearly, the doctors and nurses working on the front lines are helping many people and deserve recognition and thanks for their efforts. Nevertheless, physicians, nurses, hospital, and other health care workers always remain obligated to provide a reasonable standard of care....

Knowing about substandard quality of care is crucial in understanding medical malpractice cases. The attorneys at O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble have crucial knowledge and experience in this area of the law. Read on to learn more about substandard care and find out how it may affect your medical malpractice case.  What is Substandard Care?...