Allamuchy, NJ — One person was killed in a motorcycle crash along Route 612 on Tuesday, September 3rd. According to New Jersey State Police, Carlo D.
Castoro, 22, was traveling east on Route 612 when he veered off the roadway and struck a signpost. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Authorities are continuing to investigate the crash, which apparently involved just the motorcycle. It is unknown why Castoro veered off the road.
Social media posts by other drivers indicate that at some point the victim may have received CPR by another motorcyclist, however, it could not be confirmed whether Castoro was traveling alone or not.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a motorcycle accident, call our accident lawyers at the office of O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble at 908-928-9200. Or, contact us for a free no-obligation consultation.
Source: New Jersey Herald
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