You may immediately experience lower abdominal pain after a car accident; however, it could also be days before you notice any discomfort. You might be asking yourself, do I have a case? Sometimes, a severe injury isn't one you visibly see. Internal injuries are common in accidents, especially severe collisions.
That is one reason why getting checked out by a doctor is crucial even if you don't notice any visible injuries. If you have stomach pains after a car accident, you might have a case, and we might be able to help you.
To determine whether you have a viable personal injury case, speak with an experienced New Jersey car accident lawyer at O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble. Our skilled legal team has successfully taken numerous cases to trial. We can help you determine the best legal action for your injuries.
Reasons for Lower Abdominal Pain After a Car Accident
There are numerous reasons you might have stomach pain after a car accident. Sometimes, your nerves and the stress of the accident itself can manifest as physical symptoms, such as stomach pain. However, do not assume your stomach pain is stress-related and that it is nothing to worry about. You should always get checked out following a car accident.
The physical force of the accident can result in internal injuries if you're thrown forward and the seat belt digs into your abdomen. This problem is so common it's called "seat belt syndrome." The force in an accident can result in ruptured blood vessels that cause swelling and bruising. You could also have a ruptured organ and internal bleeding. These are serious injuries, and you could die without proper and timely medical assistance.
Watch for pain and other symptoms like blood in your urine or stool, abdominal distention, diarrhea or constipation, nausea and vomiting, feelings of trapped gas in your abdomen, tenderness and swelling, and more.
What Is "Seat Belt Syndrome?"
While your seat belt can prevent many more severe injuries during an accident, it can also cause a few injuries too. "Seat belt syndrome" often includes abrasions where the seat belt hit you, such as the abdomen, neck, and chest. If you see physical marks from the seat belt, it could be a sign of serious internal injuries. Some tenderness and soreness following an accident could be completely normal. However, if you have any of these more severe symptoms, it is time to contact a doctor:
- Severe abdominal cramping,
- Vomiting,
- Swelling around your abdomen,
- Queasy and nauseated feeling,
- Dizziness or headache, or
- Intense purple or almost black bruising on your abdomen.
If you have any of these complaints, make an appointment right away. It's also a good idea to contact a lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. The other driver's insurance company will be looking for any way to discredit you and avoid paying any money for your claim.
Is Delayed Stomach Pain After a Car Accident Normal?
It may come as a surprise, but rarely is the full extent of your injuries evident immediately following an accident. Your abdominal pain may start a few hours after the accident, or days. Delayed onset of abdominal pain could be serious. It's often a symptom of a torn or ruptured organ and internal bleeding. If you don't seek medical assistance, you could start to become nauseated, feel very weak, and experience shortness of breath. If you do have a ruptured organ, it will ultimately fail without medical treatment.
When Your Body Goes into Shock After a Car Accident
Ignoring your lower abdominal pain after a car accident can be deadly. Your body could go into shock, which is not just an emotional reaction following the accident. Physical shock is more than that stunned feeling you get after a traumatic experience. When your body experiences an inadequate flow of blood, it goes into shock. Three potential causes include heavy bleeding, spinal injuries, and broken bones. Possible shock symptoms include:
- Chest pain,
- High blood pressure,
- Rapid or shallow breathing,
- Loss of consciousness,
- Enlarged pupils,
- Elevated pulse rate,
- Confusion or dizziness,
- Pale or clammy skin,
- Weakness, and
- Profuse sweating.
Some of these symptoms could indicate other injuries, which is why it's crucial to schedule a medical examination immediately.
Why It's Important to Seek Medical Treatment
Seeking timely medical treatment can also help your injury case. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the more likely the other driver's insurance will use that delay against you. They will argue your abdominal pain after the car accident is not related. The adjuster could say something else occurred between your accident and when you sought treatment.
Contact Our Lawyers Today
If someone else's actions caused a car accident and you sustained injuries, don't try to handle your injury claim alone. When you retain O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble, you are working with some of the top trial attorneys in New Jersey. Let us put our personal injury expertise to work and fight for you. Contact our office to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you protect your rights.